In June, I was invited to an open mic in Medfield, MA. It was a nicely attended event with talented folks telling stories, reading poems and singing/playing music. I was struck by amount of whiteness in the room. I decided to write a poem about racial justice and read it at the next event in July. Below is what I presented.
I also read it in Natick at "No Racism in Natick Rally" on Nov. 19, 2016. See more about this rally here in a Boston Globe article. My handmade sign "No racism. Full stop." was quoted in the article.
Note: I am a visual artist. I wrote this poem, and later more, to read at public events where white folks go, where they are not expecting to hear about racial issues. I am trying to get more white folks in the game...willing to act with us.
Let’s Talk about Race
I learned lately that I am white. And what comes with being white.
I learned I live in a society that supports me
a society that works to keep black and brown folks separate and not equal.
Now I know I have work to do
to undo this society that supports me
the society that works to keep black and brown folks separate and not equal.
What race do you identify with?
If you are a Person of Color, I invite you to tell me how you identify
so I don’t erase this one
and only one
part of your identity.
Are you white too? If so, say it. Face it. That is an important first step.
For us white folks, there is an overwhelming amount to learn
about history and current events
about police that support us
but keep black and brown folks separate and not equal
out of fear or anger or lack of understanding
or because they were taught like we were taught
that white was right.
I am for change. I can not go back to living in the bliss of the not-knowing
about my society that supports me
a society that works to keep black and brown folks separate and not equal.
If you are for change too
for racial justice
and just getting started
here is a way to build your stamina:
talk about race with white friends and family
and strangers even
make it as common and easy as talking about the weather and sports.
But don’t ask the Person of Color you work with to teach you
about history and current events
about police that don't support them
or to speak for their race
like they can speak for their race.
Respect their space
as they need it more than we can even imagine.
We can listen
simply listen
without defending any good intentions
that might have had an opposite impact
and watch youtube
and read words
from People of Color who are willing to share with us what they know
about their history and current events.
We can talk with white folks who are willing to pass on what little we have learned
with others who are white
white folks willing to lean into discomfort
making mistakes as we learn, supporting each other.
Let’s build a new society full of bridges
that can be taken by People of Color to join white when wanted.
Let’s build a society that supports all of us
a society where all folks can be equal
and together.
© DG., July 30, 2016
Read at a Medfield Open Mic Coffee House
and Old Souls Open Mic (Natick)
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